Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What An Eventful Day!

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Daddy when do I get to play outside??

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What's goin on in the outside world?
It was an eventful day for Darling!
Considering she’s hardly out with us, it’s a lot for her to digest! :)
1st, she tasted avocado for the very first time.

2nd, we went to the Ibu Resource Group Jumble Sale in Sri Hartamas, where she gets to meet a lot of other babies!
3rd, we’re back to GrandPa’s place. Showed pouty face & cried again when GrandPa approached to give her a kiss. But she’s warmed up in a few minutes!
Getting warmed up with Grand Pa!
4th, we brought her to Ikea! Straight to Kids’ Department, where we found her the carrot TORVA Squeaky toy! Too bad the broccoli & tomatoes are sold out :{

We also got her the LEKA Cirkus Mobile which I really love it!
Also bought the BARNSLIG DANS Quilt Cover/Pillowcase, nice!
In the end we got home around 9ish which slightly later than her usual bedtime. So we made her bedtime ritual a quick one, washed up, changed to PJs, nursed & she’s settled into dreamland within a minute! Too tired from the eventful day :)
Night night my Darling!
Sweet Pea Mom
What’s your outing with your little ones like? How do you wind down in the end of the day?

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