Thursday, April 3, 2014

Making Friends!

Darling is now having so much fun in her music class with her fellow mates whom she meets every weekend. That's after only a few classes of getting-used-to and a bit of crying when she wasn't used to the sudden switch from having us as her companion in the class, to a solely independent class. I'm proud that she's adapting really fast and now a little chatter with her friends!  Even feedback from her instructor Ms Jenny was pretty positive. I also encouraged her to sing a song to Ms Jenny after each class which she only did it when she's in really good mood. Though Ms Jenny was really impressed :)

Lots of credit goes to Ms Jenny and her assistant Ms Ee Von. They encourage and guide her with lots of attention which I'm really thankful for. And of course or Kindermuzik, I'm strongly recommending it to all parents :)

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