Grandpa busy with the little adventurer! |
It was yesterday that we decided to just go for a walk in the park.
First time ever since Darling
started walking by herself.
Shoes on, let's go!
It's late afternoon after the sun came down a bit so it was rather crowded. We chose a spot with flat cement trail to put her down but she's kinda afraid of touching the ground and only wanna
cling on me.
So I carried her for a while (regretted not to bring along the sling!) around to show her things and people with kids. Then we put her down near the pond with lots of birds nearby.
At first she kinda refused but Dad managed to distract her by holding her hand and walked her to the birds. In less than a minute she got used to the grass and
enjoying with smiles all over on her little face.
Having fun after warming up :) |
The ground is slightly uneven and rather hilly that she fell a few times but no big deal. Just that she's kinda freaked out when her hands
touched the grass! :D
A few times that I came close to her, she'll try to cling on me instead of walking. So I kept my distance and let Grandpa and Grandma to entertain her.
Everyone had a great time,
especially our little adventurer :)