My Darling baby gal just turned 19 months old on Monday. Time doesn't seem to wait at all. She's getting really grown up these days.
Solid Foods
She loves her greens. Favourites are french bean, bayam, carrot, yao mak, Choy sum...
She used to love egg and salmon, but lately it seems a bit boring for her. All time favourite is Shiitake mushroom, still loving it from the start till now!
Porridge has became the history, she could spend her while meal just on plain rice or noodles, of course we complete that with her favourite vege and sometimes fish or meat.
Oh yes, she enjoyed her first chicken drum stick last weekend, one was not enough and asked for second one!
Motor Skill
She can twist and turn to open almost any jar with cap. Medications or supplements should be placed somewhere out of her reach.
Going up and down the bed and sofa very skilfully.
We've been exposing her out of the house without shoes. So she can explore and really feel the tiles and grass barefooted. A bit hesitated to step on the grass at first, but with distraction and company, she started enjoying walking over it. Keeps herself busy plucking Grandpa's plant and peeking over the fishes. Each time we go out to play, one of her usual activity will be "wok wok wok".
About 3 weeks ago, we had a family trip to Kuantan Hyatt, a very nice and relaxing place. Darling was having her horrible first experience on the beach when the first wave hit her legs. She's got a shock and chill, from then onwards she refused to go down to even touching the sand. Basically crying the whole time till we left the beach! :(
I'm proud of my nursing champion who still nurse like a pro. That's her usual bedtime routine to chill out on me and have her nen-nen before drifting right into dream land.
Lately she can even unlatch and ask to latch on the other side. Where's my baby who would just nurse quietly till sleep?!
This is another habit that I'm trying to break. Nursing to sleep is something that I wished I did differently from the start. It's easier for moms in the beginning but as they grow, you won't wish to carry on that habit. It makes it so hard for other family members to settle them as they're too used to sleep with nen-nen. So it's almost impossible for mommy to take a break. Hubs tried to help in the beginning but it gets harder till he learned that he could never settle her to sleep as he doesn't have nen-nen. So night time routine has always been my one-man show.
She's been a little chatter box speaking with her own cutie language. Speaks to her lovey, speaks to the books, speaks to the adults. All in sentences that only she can understand :) We would answer her like we know what she's talking about. But if we got it right, she'll be very delighted.
Also, she sings better now. Used to be just single words from the lyrics but now sings a little longer. She remembers every single song that we played for her. From the CDs, from Daddy's car player, from Grandpa's music videos.
Darling learned to alert us whenever she feels like having bowel movement. She could even tell us before she wanna pass urine. Whenever we hear "Mm Mm", we'll put her on potty immediately for her to do her business.
It's really a major milestone as we've been trying that for quite some times.
Mommy so proud of you!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Murungai Curry with Sardine
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First Attempt of Murungai Sardine Curry! |
Finally Mel got me a few sticks of fresh Murungai. And I made an effort to leave work early to cook.
Half way cooking, Hubs join in the fun to prepare the chapatti and roti canai. It took me about 1.5hour for the cooking and finally we ate at 9pm!
It's diluted as we kept adding water to boil but without adding extra curry powder and salt. So we had to top up with a bit of soy sauce to make it edible. Overall not too bad for my first attempt!
Here's the recipe from Mel:
Sardine Curry Recipe
Sautée the onions, garlic, spices 1/2 teaspoon, add 1/4 teaspoon of fenugreek seed, curry leaves and green chilli.
Once slightly cooked, put in 2-2.5 tablespoon of fish curry powder, 1/2 teaspoon of tumeric powder and one cup of water.
Wait for it to simmer then add more water, put in veges and Murungai.
Halfway boiling, put in sardine into the boiling pot. Once potatoes are softened, ready to serve.
Breastfeeding Toddler
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Breastfeeding a toddler! |
Her favourite position is climbing on me, lie on her stomach comfortably to have her milk. Lately she learned to ask for the next breast after emptying one!
Expectedly, people around us are often amazed that why are we still breastfeeding? My toddler is going to be 2-year-old! Let's see what's the benefits of breastfeeding a toddler.
The American Academy of Pediatrics currently recommends that "Breastfeeding should be continued for at least the first year of life and beyond for as long as mutually desired by mother and child.." * The World Health Organization and UNICEF recommend that babies be breastfed for at least two years.
Breastfeeding a toddler helps with the child's ability to mature. Although some experts say a toddler who is not weaned will have difficulty becoming independent, it's usually the fearful, clingy children that have been pushed into situations requiring too much independence too soon. A breastfeeding toddler is having his dependency needs met. The closeness and availability of the mother through breastfeeding is one of the best ways to help toddlers grow emotionally.
Breastfeeding can help a toddler understand discipline as well. Discipline is teaching a child about what is right and good, not punishment for normal toddler behavior. To help a toddler with discipline, he needs to feel good about himself and his world. Breastfeeding helps a toddler feel good about himself, because his needs are being met.
Just as babies do, toddlers receive health benefits from breastfeeding. Your milk continues to provide immunities and vitamins, and can help protect your toddler from illness and allergies. If your toddler does get sick, nursing will help comfort him. In fact, a toddler with an upset stomach may be able to tolerate nothing but human milk.
Is any of these benefits convincing enough for you?
Thursday, October 4, 2012
18 Months Old, Already!
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Enjoying the sun and the greenery :) |
You've been a real chatty little gal lately, communicating with everyone with your very own language, sometimes Korean, sometimes French. It's such a cute scene when we have to react by guessing what you're trying to mean :) Because we know that you do really mean something especially when you're talking with your serious expression and little arms swinging.
We're implementing manners and you're doing pretty well. Calling everyone very often, learned to express yourself especially to get things you want; learned to say thank you as well. Another cutest things is, you just love talking on the phone! From your toy phone to an apple or an empty hand, you can just pop it next to your ear and talk while walking :) That's taught by Daddy!
We're so proud that we can let u go nappy-free by this early age, such a great accomplishment! We credit that to your PoPo, who patiently trained you on potty. You only wear nappy for day nap and night. Sleeping without nappy is going to be another milestone that we're aiming for.
Some of your major milestones:
- Getting to really love swimming. The most recent swim with Grandpa, you stunned us by lying on your stomach, kicking water and moving your arm at the same time, without guidance!
Later we found out from PoPo that you've been practising on the sofa, finally you got to apply it in the pool! :)
- It was just a while ago that you're learning to walk, now that you're running already :)
Few hiccups here and there when you're learning to pull the handbrake and controlling the speed. Now that you've mastered it :)
- Singing is something that you enjoy too. You love it when we duet with you.
Favourite song of the month:
The Muppets - Mahna Mahna :)
- Learned to jump as you see the neighbour's cats jumping all the time. Enjoying outdoor so much nowadays that you get to say hello to next door's cats and dogs.
More to add on later :)
Happy 18 months old my dearest Darling.
Love you,
Sweet Pea Mom
Monday, September 24, 2012
Medela Service Center
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That's a breastfed baby! :) |
I'm always proud of myself and Darling that we made the breastfeeding journey through her 18months of age, and still going strong. Though I'm struggling with low supply of late. In the dilemma of supplementing other milk for her. Feeling bad that I'm not providing enough for her needs. Loads of complicated emotions adding into the frustrations.
I'm using one of the best breast pump in the world, Medela Freestyle. It's been so great battling with me through the hardest times. Such a wonderful gift from Hubs. But recently I'm having a bit of problem with the pump. The battery just not charging. Problem starts surfacing right after the 1year warranty over.
Yesterday finally paid a visit to the Medela Service Center in Ampang. After a general diagnosis, it's concluded that the machine is not communicating with the battery. So my only choice is to send it for repair, pray hard that it won't cost me a bomb. Paid RM500 (!!!) for deposit to get a loan unit until my machine is back.
Managed to speak to the service staff for some advice on boosting milk supply. She recommended to take fenugreek, the actual seed instead of powder, since I'm having trouble swallowing the mixed powder drink. About 10-20 seeds, wash, soak in hot water, chew the seed and drink the water. Twice a day. Alright I'm gonna give it a try.
She also mentioned that I should be pumping not more than 3hours interval. Each pump I'll use the massage mode for at least 6mins before going into the pumping mode. Massage helps open the milk ducts and stimulate the let down. By doin that I should be getting more milk than usual. Really?? Why didn't anyone tell me that special technique when I bought the pump?! Well I guess it's better late than never. Tried that for my next pumping session, it seems working well!
Medela Service Center
Lot B2-G Jalan Selaman 1
Dataran Palma Off Jalan Ampang
68000 Ampang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Tel: 603-4270 1128
Fax: 603-4270 6451
Mon-Fri: 10am - 7pm
Sat: 10am - 2pm
Sun & Public Holidays: Closed
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Happy 17 Months old!
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Favourite food of the month: Egg!!! |
In terms of solid foods, she's been eating adult foods quite often and she loves it. Of course, we try to limit that so majority she still be eating her usual steamed vege, fish and egg, without salt or any flavouring.
Yea egg is one of her favourite right now. So excited by just seeing it. Keeps saying,"Aedgg, Aedgg, Aedgg!"
She's been playing with hard boiled egg for quite a while. She knows how to knocked it slightly and break the shell. 2 weeks ago, she managed to peel egg for the first time! By a little guidance, she peeled off bit by bit, gently scraped off by nail, and, tada! There you go a nicely peeled hard boiled egg! Such a great accomplishment! She can't wait to send it right into her mouth and take a big bite :)
Mommy love ya,
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
16 Months Old!
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Daddy, when are you coming home? |
She's totally grown so much. Each day she shows me surprises of what she learned when I come home.
That's the little surprises that keeps me going, especially when the day is tough!
The list is gonna be so long so I'd just try my best:
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Enjoying her flashcards! |
She can say pretty much every part of her face and body. Each time I ask her where's her nose, she'll point at hers then she'll point at mine, and Popo's too.
One of her favourite bedtime story book, A Kiss Goodnight, that I read to her every night, about Mommy kissing Baby from toe to head before bed. Each time we open first page, she'll raise her toe to me saying "doe"; turning 2nd page, she'll show her knee saying "niiiiiii". But 3rd page onwards usually she'll lose her interest and roll away!
I love it when she sings too! Her favourite song: Old McDonald Had A Farm, Elmo Song. She also creates her own tunes and happily hums away. Such a happy baby :)
Potty Training:
I'm proud to say that Darling is officially diaper-free in the day! She'll tell,"Ng Nnnng" each time she wanna poop or pee. She even knows how to use it as a trick to get us to carry her away from the high chair or avoid sleeping! Next we will be training for bedtime too.
Motor Skills:
Claps, dance, sing (that's the cutest singing I've ever heard!).
She can also stack toys with her IKEA MULA Stacking Rings, sorting the right shapes through the hole with IKEA MULA Shape Sorter. Picks up rubbish, walks to the dustbin to dump it in. Keeps her toys into the box. Plays her little piano well. Turning the winnie pooh toy's twist dial with her little finger to make it move.
Social Skills
She learned to hi-5, fist bump, wave to bye, "Muah" with flying kiss, sayang and hugs. She'll be so excited whenever she sees babies and run to them, sayang and bao-bao (hug). It's so cute!
Sweet Pea Mom
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
You Don't Have Enough Milk?
Proud to say that I successfully and EXCLUSIVELY breastfeed my Darling through the difficult journey of 16months, we're still going strong. It's my mission to help other mommies who's fighting the batter too. Recently found out from two friends who just gave birth, are supplementing infant formula to their babies. Reason being is they don't have 'enough' milk.
It made me feel like I'm so helpless when coming to see all those commercial infant formulas making their way through to the families which were breastfeeding well initially. It's like all the effort goes to waste.
It made me feel like I'm so helpless when coming to see all those commercial infant formulas making their way through to the families which were breastfeeding well initially. It's like all the effort goes to waste.
Most new moms struggle to make it past the first few weeks and many stop breastfeeding long before they even reach their personal goals. How is that possible when the majority of breastfeeding problems (95%) are easily prevented and fully resolvable with the right help?
Chances are your baby is going through a growth spurt in the first few weeks, which last about 7-10 days. During this period, your baby will nurse more often than usual (sometimes as often as every hour) and often act fussier than usual. It also often takes a toll on a newly gave birth and exhausted mommy (that's when they give in to infant formulas!). Hang on in there!
What is the best way to handle a growth spurt?
Follow your child’s lead. Baby will automatically get more milk by nursing more frequently, and your milk supply will increase due to the increased nursing. Supplementing (and/or scheduling feeds) interferes with the natural supply and demand of milk production and will prevent your body from getting the message to make more milk during the growth spurt. In that way, after the growth spurt your supply stays the same while your baby's intake increased. No wonder you don't have enough milk!
Each ounce of infant formula you supplementing = each ounce of your milk supply reduced.
Understand what your little one is doing to your body and you'll be happy you followed his guidance and be able to meet his need.
Understand what your little one is doing to your body and you'll be happy you followed his guidance and be able to meet his need.
Be Strong.
Sweet Pea Mom
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Happy 15 Months Old My Darling!
Posing for the camera already! |
2 days ago I got to spend a day with Darling as Mom fell sick so reasonably I took leave.
Darling seems to know that it's rare that I'm home with her. She's rather clingy to me since morning. A bit more cranky than usual too. Wanted me to carry immediately after she woke up and refused to be in the playpen even though I was so desperate to pee!
In the end I had no choice but to put on her shoes, send her out to the porch with Grandpa who's doing gardening, at least she'll be under supervision. The moment she turned around and I wasn't there, she started crying. All I can do is dash to the loo, take a quick pee and rush back. Grandpa was inside the house with her as he worried that she'll be the target of mosquitoes. Smile all over when she saw Mommy :)
I love that she hugged me and lay her head on my shoulder while I'm carrying her to sleep. Occasionally she'll look up, gently touching my eyes, nose and mouth (she learnt about hers lately). Or, she'll 'sayang' my face and give me a gentle kiss. When she got so close to me, I rubbed my nose with hers. She just loved this new game and picked it up right away. Came close to me wanted to rub my nose! :)
I'd say that I pretty enjoy the day with Darling as it's really only once in a while. I don't mind the clinginess too! As a mother who practice attachment parenting, I appreciate it instead of avoiding it :)
Again, happy 15-month-old my Darling! Mommy Daddy love you so much!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Forza Azzurri
I took part in a Euro 2013 bet by chance, kinda by luck too. It's been a while since the last time I woke up in the middle of the night joining Hubs to watch football ever since Darling came to our lovely family, so in terms of football knowledge I'm the most outdated one. Without investing even a tiny bit of hope to win, I choose my final teams to be Spain, Germany & Italy.
Congratulations Spain! And to my favourites Fernando Torress & Xabi Alonso, I am so proud of you! Seen here with Spain Daddy players with their proud cutie kids & family.
Sorry Italy that you lost the final, but without you I wouldn't have own the bet!
Oh, did I mention that I won this Euro 2012 bet? I also won the previous bets twice? :D
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It was a special night for Fernando Torres, the footballer won the Euro 2012 Golden Boot award
after scoring three goals in the tournament
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Xabi Alonso celebrates with his wife Nagore Aramburu and their children Jontxu and Ane
Oh, did I mention that I won this Euro 2012 bet? I also won the previous bets twice? :D
So... Forza Azzurri!!!
Euro 2013,
Fernando Torres,
Me Time,
Xabi Alonso
Monday, June 18, 2012
Weekend Home Spa: Ginger Honey Scrub with Organic Raw Cane Sugar
I'm sharing one of my favourite recipes (by demand!), so get your gears and enjoy a organic weekend spa at home!
Isn't it lovely? :D |
1 cup Organic Raw Cane Sugar
1/2 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 tablespoon Organic Raw Honey
2 teaspoons Ground Ginger
8 drops Ginger Essential Oil
4 drops Lemongrass Essential Oil
Combine all ingredients and stir well.
Store in an airtight container and you may use it immediately. I keep my scrub in the refrigerator, because I like it cold. Scrub on hands and body then rinse with your favourite shower gel.
Now happy scrubbing! :)
Monday, June 11, 2012
Day Out In The Park!
Grandpa busy with the little adventurer! |
It's late afternoon after the sun came down a bit so it was rather crowded. We chose a spot with flat cement trail to put her down but she's kinda afraid of touching the ground and only wanna cling on me.
So I carried her for a while (regretted not to bring along the sling!) around to show her things and people with kids. Then we put her down near the pond with lots of birds nearby.
At first she kinda refused but Dad managed to distract her by holding her hand and walked her to the birds. In less than a minute she got used to the grass and enjoying with smiles all over on her little face.
Having fun after warming up :) |
A few times that I came close to her, she'll try to cling on me instead of walking. So I kept my distance and let Grandpa and Grandma to entertain her.
Everyone had a great time, especially our little adventurer :)
Bubs Adventure,
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Review: Nursing Tea
While celebrating my milestone of nursing passed my Darling's first year, I'm struggling with low supply lately. It's getting obvious especially after my beloved menses coming back on the dot of my Darling's first birthday. Milk supply dropped dramatically to half of my production I used to make.
The result? Pretty satisfying!
My supply increased 1-2oz each pumping session. Still not enough for me but it works!
My nursing colleague Mel researched that the right dosage should be 3 sachet (a sachet each cup) a day but previously I was taking only 1 sachet for the entire day. So I'll increase the dosage and we'll see if it works better!
increase your milk supply, you need to first determine if it's actually in need of a boost. There are many things that can make you think that it's low when it's not.
So I was searching high and low on galactagogues that can help me increasing my supply. Started with fenugreek, 1 teaspoon mixed with warm water. I surrendered to the bitterness that made me almost puke. So I added honey that at least diluted the bitterness a bit. After a few weeks of trying, it's been rather disappointing so I stopped and try the Joy Angel Nursing Tea from Fabulous Mom instead.
The result? It doesn't work for me.
Few of my breastfeeding Mommy friends swear by Earth Mama Angel Baby's Organic Milkmaid Tea. So out of desperation I decided to give it a try.
The result? It doesn't work for me.
RM38.90 comes in 20 sachets |
RM41.90 comes in 16 sachets |
My supply increased 1-2oz each pumping session. Still not enough for me but it works!
My nursing colleague Mel researched that the right dosage should be 3 sachet (a sachet each cup) a day but previously I was taking only 1 sachet for the entire day. So I'll increase the dosage and we'll see if it works better!
increase your milk supply, you need to first determine if it's actually in need of a boost. There are many things that can make you think that it's low when it's not.
Read more: Lactogenic Foods for Breastfeeding
Does any of the nursing tea work for you? What other booster you would like to recommend?
Does any of the nursing tea work for you? What other booster you would like to recommend?
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Breastfeeding Joke #1
While we Mommies are exhausted from nursing around the clock, now take a break and enjoy your daily dose of joke (Yes, we have more to come!).
Which is your favourite? :)
Which is your favourite? :)
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Darling is 14 months Old!
Paying full attention to the TV commercial! |
Darling turned 14 months old today! Did I miss anything???
She's a little adventurer now goin around with her soon-to-stabilise steps to discover every corner of the house. Lots of fun and exercise for all of us! If we pick her up while she's walking happily, she will be making noises an just wants to get down to the floor.
Oh no, I just realised my little gal has grown so much. Real soon I will be missing carrying and holding my baby! :'(
So that you won't be regret later? Make sure you had lots of skin-to-skin contacts since your baby is born. Carry your baby will definitely not spoil them!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Soap Master Wannabe!
Of late I have been spending lots of my very limited free time in making soaps. That's my latest hobby :)
It all started by attending the soap making class by Puuuv Soap. The class was specially designed for making breastmilk soap. 30% of us are nursing moms :) we had a really great time sharing breastfeeding tips and making soaps from our very own breastmilk.
After securely placed in the mould, wrapped in towel or placed in cooler box to keep warm for 3 days.
Can't wait to unmould my soaps!
The result? Wonderful!
Interested in making your own breastmilk soaps?
I highly recommend Puuuv Soap, just speak to our friendly instructor, Suumey!
It all started by attending the soap making class by Puuuv Soap. The class was specially designed for making breastmilk soap. 30% of us are nursing moms :) we had a really great time sharing breastfeeding tips and making soaps from our very own breastmilk.
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Yes, those are our very precious breastmilk! |
After securely placed in the mould, wrapped in towel or placed in cooler box to keep warm for 3 days.
Can't wait to unmould my soaps!
The result? Wonderful!
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My very first handmade breastmilk soap! |
Interested in making your own breastmilk soaps?
I highly recommend Puuuv Soap, just speak to our friendly instructor, Suumey!
I'm officially a Soap Master! |
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
A Year Wiser
It was my first birthday celebration after having my baby. As my literally first birthday after giving birth was too busy with confinement and overloaded with sleepless nights and messy routines.
Hubs told me the day before,"Tomorrow we go for dinner ok? Just the two of us." Hmmm... It was rare cuz we've been goin almost everywhere without leaving our Darling behind.
So he brought me to a nice English pub, Bull Dog in Sri Hartamas. It's been a while since I had my last pint of Strongbow, love it! We had some awesome authentic English pub food.
The signature dishes are Toad in the Hole, Pigs in the Blanket, and some really good porky stuff. While leaving the place, I told Hubs that we must do this often. Date nights mean so much to me! (Which Mommy doesn't agree!)
Next, we headed to Publika for dessert. This place is totally hot! You'll forget that you're actually in Malaysia. Plan B, the place where we had our dessert, was jam-packed that you line in the long queue to get a seat. And the dessert? Totally yumbs!
Hubs told me the day before,"Tomorrow we go for dinner ok? Just the two of us." Hmmm... It was rare cuz we've been goin almost everywhere without leaving our Darling behind.
So he brought me to a nice English pub, Bull Dog in Sri Hartamas. It's been a while since I had my last pint of Strongbow, love it! We had some awesome authentic English pub food.
It's been a while since my last pint of Strongbow! |
The signature dishes are Toad in the Hole, Pigs in the Blanket, and some really good porky stuff. While leaving the place, I told Hubs that we must do this often. Date nights mean so much to me! (Which Mommy doesn't agree!)
Publika is the hottest in town! |
Must-Try in Plan B: Chocolate Truffle Torte & Carrot Cheesecake! |
I was so satisfied with our date night, without hoping for any birthday present. Hubs surprised me with a pretty handbag. He said I can use it as nappy bag, so I can look good being a mother. Isn't he thoughtful?
That's how much I can stuff into my new nappy bag! |
Thursday, May 10, 2012
My Sweetie Turned 13 Months Old!
A wet kiss that melts my heart falls on my face, as her arms go around my neck and she rests her head on my chest.
Sorry, Mommy forgot about it! My Darling turned 13 months old last week and I forgot to jot down her milestones as I did religiously every month over the whole year. She has became sweeter & sweeter each day.
You're an expressive little Darling. At bedtime, instead of falling asleep in my arms, you'll search my chest and tell me, "Nen Nen." Before pooping, you'll tell us,"Poo Poo."
Other than that, you can already recognise lots of things by names and pronounce rather accurately. Only thing is that you still calling Grandpa as "Ga Ga" instead of "Gong Gong". :)
You're a little music talent. Dancing away by shaking your butt with raised arms everytime we play you nursery.
When I'm only humping the tunes you'll know which song and join the singing.
We're more amazed each day as you learn so quick. Instantly pick up new gesture or words after only first demo. We are so proud to have you! :)
Love ya lots,
Sweet Pea Mom
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Scary Mommy Manifesto
Learning to walk soon! |
My sister-in-law recently came back from Melbourne with her 2 kids - a three years old toddler and a six months old baby. We were having great times (Yea, great) together, practicing my mother skills with this energy-never-dry-up toddler. Well, I would say that I'm so looking forward to my Darling's toddlerhood (....NOT!).
I solute how my sister-in-law handle her two kids, can't imagine how am I gonna do it myself. I better be well prepared in case I turn into one of those moms who's completely drained and just wanna get out of it! If you ever get caught in the situation, you'll find yourself more related to the article I found recently:
Please solemnly recite the following before proceeding:
• I shall maintain a sense of humor about all things motherhood, for without it, I recognize that I may end up institutionalized. Or, at the very least, completely miserable.
• I shall not judge the mother in the grocery store who, upon entering, hits the candy aisle and doles out M&Ms to her screaming toddler. It is simply a survival mechanism.
• I shall not compete with the mother who effortlessly bakes from scratch, purees her own baby food, or fashions breathtaking costumes from tissue paper. Motherhood is not a competition. The only ones who lose are the ones who race the fastest.
• I shall shoot the parents of the screaming newborn on the airplane looks of compassion rather than resentment. I am fortunate to be able to ditch the kid upon landing. They, however, are not.
• I shall never ask any woman whether she is, in fact, expecting. Ever.
I shall not question the mother who is wearing the same yoga pants, flip-flops and t-shirt she wore to school pickup the day before. She has good reason.
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Self -feeding in progress :) |
• I shall never claim to know everything about any child but my own. (Who still remains a mystery to me.)
• I shall hold the new babies belonging to friends and family, so they may shower and nap, which is all any new mother really wants.
• I shall attempt to not pass down my own messed up body issues to my daughter. She deserves a mother who loves and respects herself; stretch marks, cellulite and all.
• I shall not preach the benefits of breastfeeding or home schooling or organic food or co-sleeping or baby wearing to a fellow mother who has not asked my opinion. It's none of my damn business.
• I shall try my hardest to never say never, for I just may end up with a loud-mouthed, bikini clad, water gun shooting toddler of my very own.
• I shall remember that no mother is perfect and my children will thrive because, and sometimes even in spite, of me.
Excerpted from "Confessions of a Scary Mommy: An Honest and Irreverent Look at Motherhood: The Good, The Bad, and the Scary" by Jill Smokler. Published by Gallery Books.
How about you? Are you looking forward to your baby's toddlerhood?
Thursday, April 5, 2012
My Darling is 1 today!!!
Looking forward to toddlerhood! |
My Darling is 1 today!
She's growing too fast isn't she??? I couldn't keep up at all!
Which day that you won't surprise Mommy with your little tricks?
- This morning you stirred from sleep, rolled over on me, rested your head on my chest, gently patted me :)
- You have been doin 'Touch the Bug, The Bug Flies!' by touching your finger tip on your palm, but Mommy still trying to show you to raise your hand when the bug flies away
- When someone farted, you'll go "Oh!" then follow by "Poo Poo". You did that when you farted too :D
- When Mommy sing, "How much is that doggie in the window?" You'll go, "Wow wow!" that's your favourite song of the month :)
- You learned to 'share' your food. Picks up a piece of bread, give to Mommy but wouldn't let go and put it back into your mouth! But sometimes I suck it out from your tiny pincher grasp and say thank you to you ;)
- "Where's your phone? Hello Hello?"
you'll put your toy mobile phone near your ear and smile :)
- "Where's your ear?"
you'll hold your ear and when we're impressed you smile delightfully
- Express your sympathy when you heard someone "Ouch!" or cry from pain, you'll ask with a "What's wrong? Are you alright?" face, then gently touching with your hand
- Rest your head on our chest when we said,"Oi Oi". Or you'll rest on the cushion when we throw you one on the floor.
- Mommy's got the first-time moment with you! After happily seeing Mommy making monkey sounds, you started making your own! That was oh-so-cute! :) then you kept making that sounds to get Daddy's attention :D
- Whenever someone's phone rang, you'll be the most excited one who's looking for the phone and reminding others to answer the call!
- We're still going strong in breastfeeding (Yes, I know!) I'm so proud of my little nursing champion (Proud of myself too!).
- And did I mention that you have a total of 8 teeth now? That's such a great milestone for my little gal! :)
I'm prouder each day!
Sweet Pea Mom
First birthday,
Friday, March 23, 2012
I'm hurt. Really hurt that I can't think.
My heart aches when Darling crying out painfully, with her finger numbed from excruciating pain.
Hubs was trying to put on her suction bowl by pressing down with full force & made a few twist (that's for securing the suction), without noticing that Darling's little finger tip was caught under the bowl.
She screamed terrifyingly that my heart hurts too :'(
I can't help but telling Hubs that how much it hurts, please don't do this to her again, etc... Maybe I sounded a bit more angry (which I was) or naggy, but instead of admitting his fault, he shut me up & trying to divert the mistake that I was the one who didn't put on the bowl correctly that it came off. At that point I lost it and I told him off that he's trying to blame something else instead of admitting his fault.
He's saying that I didn't help the situation but to make it worse by losing my temper and shouting to everyone.
Oh. So I'm supposed to keep my mouth shut after seeing my Darling being hurt. Didn't know that.
I told him in the face that if he expects that from me, he better does it himself and keep his word. Because so often, and always, he's the one who nag, scold, then scold again after shit happens. Don't tell me that doesn't make thing worse and helps the situation.
Confused. Am I overreacted over the incident or should I really stay calm and keep my mouth shut?
My heart aches when Darling crying out painfully, with her finger numbed from excruciating pain.
Hubs was trying to put on her suction bowl by pressing down with full force & made a few twist (that's for securing the suction), without noticing that Darling's little finger tip was caught under the bowl.
She screamed terrifyingly that my heart hurts too :'(
I can't help but telling Hubs that how much it hurts, please don't do this to her again, etc... Maybe I sounded a bit more angry (which I was) or naggy, but instead of admitting his fault, he shut me up & trying to divert the mistake that I was the one who didn't put on the bowl correctly that it came off. At that point I lost it and I told him off that he's trying to blame something else instead of admitting his fault.
He's saying that I didn't help the situation but to make it worse by losing my temper and shouting to everyone.
Oh. So I'm supposed to keep my mouth shut after seeing my Darling being hurt. Didn't know that.
I told him in the face that if he expects that from me, he better does it himself and keep his word. Because so often, and always, he's the one who nag, scold, then scold again after shit happens. Don't tell me that doesn't make thing worse and helps the situation.
Confused. Am I overreacted over the incident or should I really stay calm and keep my mouth shut?
Bubs Adventure,
Me Time
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Cystoscopy for Kidney Stone
![]() |
This culprit is causing unbearable pain! |
Hubs being sent in to the operation theatre since 1pm for his cystoscopy procedure to extract his kidney stone. Checked with the nurses, checked at Doctor Kamil's clinic, all I got is to wait. Finally caught the nurse who sent Hubs in just now, she said he just came out from OT, now in the recovery area under observation, should be sending him back to the room in a while. Read about cystocopy here.
Phew, at least he's out of OT? While waiting for him I looked up for the cystoscopy. Apparently it really hurts, during and after the procedure, along with burning sensation while urinating. Ouch.
My Hubs who doesn't drink water as if it's his enemy, diagnosed with 1cm + 2mm kidney stones two days ago after admitting to the emergency department at 6am with severe pain. The 1cm stone is out of his kidney and lodged in his urethra which causing the unbearable pain.
His Doctor called these people 'Stone Former' who prone to recurrence stones, must go for annual checkup to make sure stones are detected earlier if there's any. And this is the 2nd time Hubs suffering from kidney stones. Only first time was much smaller, 4mm, which he had ultrasound blasting to break the stone and flush out with urine.
Stone Formers have one thing in common, bad habit:
1. Doesn't drink plain water, at all.
2. High sodium diet
At 6pm Hubs was sent back to the room, finally, after waited for 5hrs. He got to keep his beloved stone for memory. That little culprit looks like a mini coral with uneven surface. Hubs joked that next he aims for a gem stone, mad mad mad! >:-C
Friday, March 9, 2012
Checking out her new toy, Ikea's MULA Shape Sorter |
I got so surprised this morning when I heard my Darling saying 'flower'! I know she really meant it when she looking at the floral patterns on the curtain.
She pronounced it almost 100% accurate! The other day mom just told me that out of the sudden she heard Darling saying 'powder' while pointing at the baby powder.
Looks like we'll have a little chatterbox real soon! :)
Monday, March 5, 2012
Happy 11 Months Old My Baby Gal
Hmm what are you looking at, dude? :D |
My Darling turns 11 months old today! Can you believe it!?
I gotta start planning for her first birthday real soon :)
You turned into a smart little gal you know that? You've learned so much that Mommy can't keep up!
Solid foods are goin well lately, we've started lumpier food instead of the mushy purée.
Porridge with fish, pumpkin, carrot, spinach, potato, tomato and I've changed her white rice to organic mixed grain of brown rice, buckwheat, millet, quinoa, oats and barley.
Enjoying Pumpkin Porridge! |
Last week you joined Mommy and Daddy for Japanese udon for the first time and you loved it! :)
We've been practicing to have you on the high chair with us during meal times. You really enjoy the bread pieces and sometimes plain rice and happily feeding yourself with fingers :) Mommy's getting you your utensils and we'll practice self-feeding with spoon k! One thing is, you hate it when Mommy pointing your leg on the food tray and say 'put down', you'll be whining but putting your foot down unwillingly :)
You've learned so much and I hope I didn't miss anything here. Among your first words are:
Mama (Mommy)
Dada (Daddy)
Papa (Popo)
Wrow wrow (Dog)
Mao Mao (Cat)
Rerrrrr Rerrrr (Lion)
Duck (yes, Duck!)
Baba (Bao Bao, Bye bye, Apple, Pineapple)
Be ber (Bird bird)
Mum mum (Eating time)
... (I'm sure there's more but my mind's stuck!)
Favourite games of the month:
Peekaboo - You discovered the curtain and you'll pull it over your face then pull it away to peekaboo with me :)
Be 'caught' - When you're doin certain things that you're not supposed to do and someone approached to say 'no-no', you'll fall right onto the mattress excitedly and plant your face to it.
In the morning I'll be waked up by this cutest voice calling Mama :) And you said Mommy yesterday for the first time!
Mommy love you so much my baby!
Sweet Pea Mom
Friday, February 17, 2012
Happy Mother's Day (in advance!)
Mother's Day is long to go but I can't wait to share these lovely pix already!
Mommy giraffe welcoming her baby with the first kiss...
Isn’t this mother wallaby so adorable, proudly kissing her little joey as he stretches his leg (it must get cramped in there)? Also, did you notice that his claws are so much tinier than his mom’s? How do you like their matching pink noses?
Here's to you all mommies!
Nothing sounds as sweet as “mommy”
Spoken from a child’s lips;
And nothing is as timeless as “mother”
No matter how old that child gets.
Nothing will ever truly compare
To a mother’s wondrous love;
Not even when speaking
Of angels from above.
She is a rock when we are weak
A shelter when life may storm
She is a true companion
In each and every form.
The bearer of our hurt
The expresser of our joy
Even through all life’s ups and downs
No job would she rather employ.
She is a friend, a leader,
A teacher, and confidante.
A healer, a listener, and
A rock to lean on
So we celebrate our mothers
On this very special day
And hope that she remembers
We wouldn’t have it any other way.
Me Time,
Mother's Day,
Monday, February 13, 2012
Happy Valentine's Day!
Ain't roses are just lovely? |
I wrapped a gift for Hubs last night for him on the table so he can see it when he comes back. But I spoiled the surprise by texting him that I left something for him, silly me!
Without expecting anything from him, and understand that he's packed with sleepless nights lately, this is really sweet from him :)
Hubs never fail to surprise me :)
Love you more each day!
Your Sweetest Wife
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Happy 10 Month Old My Darling!
Gong Xi Gong Xi~~~ Check out my Cheong Sam! |
Tell me that time doesn't fly. Time does teleport! I'm holding a 10-month-old in my arms!
In these passed 2 weeks my little Darling learned so much, what a smart little gal you turned to! You only need to see it once and you're doing it already!
- You've collected loads of angpows with your impressive "Gong Xi Gong Xi" hand gesture, learned that just in time! :)
- Made all the leaving guests go awww with your cutest waving bye-bye -- Miss Malaysia style
- Put up your hand when we show your ours & say Hi-5 :)
- Daddy,"What sound does a dog make?"
"What sound does a cat make?"
"Woof woof!"
- Mimic Mommy kissing & 'sayang' your hugging kitty plush toy.
- Starting to enjoy bath time when you learned to splash water in your bathtub :)
- Learning to climb to higher level now, the first time you climbed onto the couch you went so excited crawling (F1 speed) away as if Po Po is gonna catch you
- You go "wrow wrow!" very excitedly when Boney (Grandpa's cat) passing by. Or whenever you heard the neighbour's dog barking. You did once though, that you went "meow meow" to Boney :)
- Favourite toy of the month: flash card especially the one with dog & cat on each side.
- Started on fish today after being a vegetarian since birth. From your expression it doesn't taste good but you don't reject it either. It's a good start! :)
- Started on finger food too! That keeps you occupied on the high chair when we dining out
- Stranger anxiety doesn't seem to bother you anymore as you're almost alright with anyone approaching or carrying you
- You did your CSI inspection wherever you are with your master skill - pincher grasp. Scratching & digging every single dots you found, paying attention to the tiniest details. Occasionally offer us your empty pinch or put into your mouth = ='
- And guess what, Mommy's the first one who found your 2 top incisors crowning! I suspect these cute little fangs are the culprit of the nursing strike happened a couple of weeks ago. Anyway they're too cute to even look at it! :)
Now, next you'll be calling Mommy soon okay?
Love ya,
Sweet Pea Mom
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Happy 9 Months Old My Baby :)
Enjoying your books already :) |
I can't believe 9 months just flown by, in the blink of an eye!
9 Months Milestones
- You can stand almost instantly by minimum support, it's good that you know how to drop your little butt down and not get 'stuck' in the standing position and cry for help :)
- Showing your affection with lots of 'wet kisses'. Usually follow by biting attempts :D
- Separation anxiety getting really obvious now that whenever I put you down to playpen or pass you to Po Po, you'll be whining while I turned around. My heart aches when I walked away :'(
- You know where to find Daddy every morning and give him the cutest morning call :)
- Really enjoy riding the baby walker (Yes, Mommy's not suppose to use it!). I only put you restricted in the dining area for a really short while so you can see us nearby when we're busy in the kitchen!
- Understands commands like bye-bye, high-five and gong-xi gong-xi (hand gesture for wishing Happy Chinese New Year) but most of the time you're too lazy to do it!
- Good in socialising with your great 'smile talk'. Spice up the interaction with plenty of babbles and bubbles too!
- Love to stand up in the playpen to look out for us. Tipping your toes to catch us when we playing peekaboo :)
- My heart dropped once you knocked on the wall so hard and screamed on top of your lung. The bump with greenish in the middle immediately grew on your forehead, and lasted a few days :'(
- Our bonding is so obvious now that no doubt Mommy is your favourite person. It's not just you, I'm struggling with separation anxiety too! :'(
- Every morning I'll wake up with the happiest baby with the sweetest smile that makes my day :)
What more in life that I need?
Million kisses,
Sweet Pea Mom
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