Can't believe my little Darling is turning 6 months old today!
Where exactly the time went????
Ok let's see what you achieved so far....
6 Months Milestones
- Extend your little hand to reach for your favourite things/ favourite persons (first lucky one was Popo!)
- Stick out your tongue between your little lips & blow raspberries!
- Stick up your little butt during tummy time & nudge about, starting by goin backwards!
- Grab your little feet & yes, you put it into your month! Slurp slurp... Toes sucking good! Each hand grabs each foot, & try to fit both in it!
- Adopt rolling as your primary mode of ground transportation :)
- Mastering the important skill of sitting up independently, maintain your balance while seated by leaning forward on both arms, topple over during practice :)
- Stranger anxiety kicking in. Most of the new faces that approached closely, you showed a pouty face & started crying. But later on you're able to quickly warm up & make friends!
- Started semi-solid food for the 4th day! You love the rice porridge that we mixed with EBM & happily gobbling down! :D Next we try avocado ok?
Sweet Pea Mom
Does your little one experience stranger anxiety yet? How do you help him to cope with it?
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